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Here's some good motivational photos! Stay skinny!

I may have once said that food is my friend
But now I've found the way
Drink the most water my body can hold
And eat just 1 apple a day. -Unknown.

If it tastes good, It's trying to kill you

There are only two ways to fail at anything that you do. Quit or don't start. -Unknown.

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.

A moment on the lips, forever on the hips.

Thinner is the Winner.

You can never be too rich or too thin.

When it comes to losing weight, those who can do;
and those who can make excuses
Hunger hurts but starving works ... This is forever. I will do whatever it takes. I want to be thin more than anything, even food...
Food hinders your progress. There is no TRY. There is only DO.
i want to be so thin, so light, so airy that.............when the light hits me i dont leave a shadow behind.........when i walk across snow i will not leave so much as a footprint to mar the purity......that i can dance between the raindrops in a downpour. The more [shit] they give me, the less [food] I'll eat.
It's simple: You decide once and for all that you aren't going to eat, and then there is no further decision to make. You've made a decision: you will NOT stop. The pain is neccessary, especially the pain of hunger. It reassures you that you are strong, can withstand anything.
I do not struggle in your web, because it was my aim to get caught. But daddy longlegs I feel that I'm finally growing weary of waiting to be consumed by you. Don't eat. If you want to see food, look in the mirror at your thighs
Of course it's hard. If it was easy then everybody would do it. Its the hard that makes it great. Fortune favors the brave.
I want to be the smallest I can possibly be...when I see bone, that's the day I will finally feel free... An ordinary girl, an ordinary waist – but ordinary's just not good enough today
It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can Don't just grab at the first thing that comes along... Know when to refuse something that won't get you anywhere
I'm not there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday A pic so good, I had to put it twice!